Remember when I wrote about how I loved the idea of running because it seems like the only activity I can do for free but it turns out it actually can get pretty pricey?
Those beautiful Saucony shoes are being given away at Chubby Chicks Run Too!
Carly's blog is basically the reason I started my own blog. We used to work together back in Minnesota and she made my work days bearable and downright enjoyable. I was studying journalism and she asked me to edit a blog post. I thought "hmmm blogs seem like a cool idea but what in the world would I write about?" I really did wish I was more athletic so I could write about running but I realized I had to write about what I know (or don't exactly's called "clueless with cash" for a reason!) so I took a different path.
But I've been a regular follower for almost two years and it's a great way to keep tabs on her :) So when I saw in my reader that she had a post about a Saucony giveaway from, I freaked with excitement. I just put them on my birthday list that I give to my parents every year but I have a few more important requests so I guessed I wouldn't get them. How amazing would it be to get these in a giveaway!?
Head on over to check out the giveaway and read Carly's blog. She always has funny entertaining stories and she just got an adorable new puppy! And if you don't want to enter, then at least wish me luck!!
Thanks for spreading the word and the blog lovin'! Good Luck to you in the contest.