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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I should be doing homework...

but I just had to share a proud moment! My first class ended early and my second class was miraculously canceled so I finally have a full afternoon dedicated to my to-do list. I've been craving an afternoon homework session at Caribou Coffee but guess what! I came home to grab my things and realized no one but MG is home! The house is quiet (it's rare!) and I have a coffee maker sitting right behind me so I'm skipping the loud coffee grinders and the distractions of people watching to turn my dining room into a free version of Caribou. The table here is bigger too! This is SO unlike the Katie of 2009 and a very proud moment indeed.

My Sallie Mae payment from LAST Thursday finally went through today. It says it was processed yesterday and I have accrued $1.12 since YESTERDAY! Good god Sallie Mae. Oh well, with all this money saving I'm doing lately, I'm boosted with confidence that I refuse to let it defeat me. The loan amount is down to $3,197.78, which is just about $1000 off from the original total minus all that interest crap. Just one more week (+ a couple days) and another payment is coming their way!

Lastly and sadly, my headphones are broken. No music comes out of the left ear unless my head is turned all the way to the left-not exactly my ideal listening position. It happened yesterday so my new challenge is to see just how long I can bebop around campus or spend late nights closing at Express with only right ear music. It's probably only $15 to get a new pair but I'm on day four of no spending and I refuse to let a pair of headphones break my streak.


  1. I'm so proud! You can hold out, i know you can!!!

  2. Thanks! It's not exactly easy but it's kind of a fun challenge! It's like giving something up for lent. I've been missing your blog comments lol! I always check to see if you have anything to say on the day's post!

  3. Oh, good! Lol. I thought maybe I was driving you and everyone else crazy, so I took a lil break =) but I'm back!! Ha ha.

  4. ASHTON!! i might have a pair of headphones somewhere you could borrow! dont buy any yet!

  5. Haha Jess I definitely noticed your break! So glad to have you back!

    Lenka-Thanks dear! My mom read this and said she'd get me a new pair as a reward for my progress but thanks! Mine work in the meantime, just not well lol! See you soon I hope!
