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Wednesday, February 24, 2010


With the advice from my uncle and the Utah bff, 50% is just way too much to put into savings each paycheck when I already have an emergency fund complete and loans are just too much of a priority for me. I am going to keep adding 20% to savings and the rest will be a loan payment. I'm pretty excited because I still get to add to savings while making minor MINOR dents in my loan payments. After this payment of $47, I'll be within sight of being under $3000 on this loan. That'll still mean a few more payments until I'm at that point but it's still a nice milestone.

Also, Wednesday is double daze (yes they spell it that way) at Rainbow, so all coupons are worth double their amount. I had a lot of coupons to use but bonehead me forgot a few. It was still nice to see a little extra savings where I can find it. That also means I can make more meals rather than spending so much on fast food. Steak was on sale so we get to live large tonight and have delicious steak and potatoes. YUMMM!!!-yes, definitely deserves three M's.

Last but not least, my hair fund is 100% complete so I'm very excited for my appointment in a week! I also was able to add $20 to my Spring Break fund so I'm more and more prepared for a crazy time! After I paid for my yoga pants from Express, I'm left with $40 allowance for the next two weeks. If I can reduce my spending on fast food, I'll be good to go! Wish me luck!


  1. So do you write food into your budget? Like, when you say you have 40 dollars, that's for like fun stuff, right? Then you have seperate money for food?

  2. Well, groceries and fast food are different. I give myself $75 for groceries each paycheck but if I want to go out to eat etc. that comes from my allowance. So yeah, the $40 goes to anything fun I want but has to last 2 weeks.

  3. oh, but the $40 includes whatever gas I use. I do have a little left on a gift card but still...

  4. Eeeek! Yeah that's hard. Should I put gas in my car? Or go get a beer?? A beer of course! Lol!
