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Thursday, September 30, 2010

A swift kick in the butt

Remember a few posts back when I announced the launch of the website I work for? The one about anonymous notes to anyone that everyone can read? Well I started getting some feedback about my blog on the site and there's one particular note below that I want to share with everyone:

Someone is Sharing a Note to Clueless With Cash Blog from

Now the reason I post this is not for a pity party. Quite the opposite actually. It's just the kick in the ass I needed to stop dinkin' around and really start figuring things out. I know I'm clueless, why else would I have named the blog Clueless with Cash? It certainly wasn't just to be cute.

I can't do anything about the past but I can focus on where to go from here and that starts today. It just so happens that I got three paychecks in September. Since I always split my bills into two paychecks, I feel kind of like have a freebie with this one. Here's how I'm breaking it down:
All of my funds will be refilled as usual minus rent. I can always have a little extra cushion room in each of those funds but rent always stays the same and will always only require two paychecks. That extra money is going straight towards my credit card bill.

The next two weekends will be spent out of town, where my allowance will definitely be spent, so I will work hard to use what I have when I'm home. I did some smart grocery shopping last night and got more cereal for breakfasts and brought lunch and snacks for work so I won't spend a dime. I have a few meals planned out for next week too so I shouldn't need to buy anything for the next two weeks. I only have one shift at Express next week but I'll take it. I'm dropping off 3 applications for waitressing jobs tonight.

I'd love to hear any other feedback ya'll might have for me so either comment or leave me a note on!

Oh and I suppose it's day eight...three turn ons...
1. Humor and the ability to make me genuinely laugh out loud
2. Being personable and charming
3. The ability and desire to cook well

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