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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Dear Santa,

I really have been good this year (mostly)! I've done an OK job at not spending money lately. All year, in fact. I stopped getting in more debt. I've been able to afford every expense that came my way, with one exception. And I even have a baby savings account started. For real, Santa. I now stick to my allowance and with only small exceptions do I exceed that budget. So instead of going shopping for myself, I'm posting my wishlist on here to get it out of my system.  I even helped you out with order of importance :)
I lost my iPod on a business trip this fall. I left it in a pouch behind the seat on the plane, forgot to grab it and it was no longer there when I tried to track it down. ALL of my music was on there and it was my baby. I had it for for 5 years. I have a shuffle but it fits 100 songs, which if you know my music collection, it really doesn't work. I don't need a big one anymore since the storage is outrageous and too much for me. The nano still has a significant amount of storage (16GB please), plays radio stations and is adorable.
 I can't believe I live (and blog!) in NYC without a good camera. My camera is older than my old iPod and does not take quality pictures. If I had an iPhone, this wouldn't be a problem. But my phone does not take good pictures either. Something small for on-the-go but that has clear images would be perfect. The red color is pretty sleek too :)
I saw a tutorial on Pinterest about using hot rollers. For $20, I would definitely enjoy that hair style since I'm hardly skilled with a curling iron. Plus these are faster than a curling iron too. I wouldn't have to let my hair air dry and freeze and give me pneumonia when I want it curly.
I got running shoes for my birthday. I love them. But they do not give me great ankle support and especially as a new runner, I should not be using minimalist shoes, in my amateur opinion. Last Christmas I bought myself a pair of Brooks and I love them. I've never worked out more in my life! But as a result, they are a worn-out, year-old pair and fresh soles would be great for my feet and knees.

Until pretty recently, I had a pair of black boots like these from 2 years ago. They seem to have gone missing in one of the 3 moves I've made this year (shocker) but they are great for so many outfits and I want them back!

 My Nook recently told me she wants more books. I've read a personal record number of books this year and I want to keep that going!
Who couldn't use a Target gift card? Cute clothes, cute shoes, cute stuff for the apartment, basic necessities...I swear I could spend a whole day finding things I want and need. It is a huge blessing there is not a Target conveniently near me in New York.
These red flats are adorable. I have no red in my wardrobe beside a skinny belt and accessorizing it with these shoes would be perfect. Imagine skinny jeans, and over-sized white button-up. I love it.
And if I'm really begging, I want a puppy! SO badly. I know I won't get one this year and I shouldn't but it's pretty much eternally on my wish list until one shows up on my door step. How cute is this lil pup?

Thanks, Santa!


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