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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The best part about not having money is... can't spend it!

M is keeping my money to pay the leasing company another check on Friday so my bank account is still very low. I did, however, update my spreadsheet to see how everything would look once I've dotted my i's and crossed my t's with securing this apartment and things are looking pretty decent. I think/hope I did it correctly.

I have money to cover my September loans and I've started a fund for my moving expenses. Since I don't have to start putting money towards October loans until the 25th, the restaurant money is going towards moving expenses/furniture. So far I can afford a rental car for moving day (plus the $35 fee for not being 25 to rent the car :/ ) and an air mattress that I will be using as my bed.
Pure Comfort Queen Air Bed from Target- $70
I don't plan on buying a real bed until it becomes absolutely imperative because I won't live here forever, they're a pain to move and completely out of my price range at the moment.  Beds are for rich people.

When I get paid again this Friday I'll have money for a bookshelf and a dresser, which is all the furniture I'll need for a while I think.
Sorry it's blurry. On sale this week at Target for $13! 

I'd probably get 2 of these, $50 each.
I cheap nightstand would be nice too, I suppose.

I don't know what color furniture I'll get. I have a black and white comforter so really black, white or tan would work fine. Any pros and cons of any color you can think of?

In the meantime, I'm off to put more stuff I never use on ebay. I'll have a whole post on auction items, just in case maybe you want to bid! It's going to a great cause ;) My first item (a pair of never-worn heels) is currently selling for $2! Here's hoping it goes up in the next 6 days!

On another note, it's a fellow blogger's blogger anniversary...a few days late. He's a fellow Minnesotan blogger so he definitely deserves a shout out from me! Happy Anniversary Simple Dude!  I am a proud Simpleton. 

1 comment:

  1. We have a lot of black furniture and I feel like no matter how often I dust it is still incredibly dusty. We have white dressers in our bedroom and even though I prefer the look of black more the white stays looking nice SOO much longer. Looking forward to seeing what else you're selling on Ebay--I am realizing how much I need to do that while packing up!
