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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What I'm Reading Wednesday

This blog is about to get a few new features and a content makeover. There will be more regular posting and more pictures in each post. Get excited! I'm still taking feature ideas so if there is a theme post that you would like me to write about weekly or monthly, shout 'em out! I'm all ears!

To kick off the new additions, I will have a What I'm Reading Wednesday.
Reading is a big and inexpensive hobby of mine and people are frequently asking me for good suggestions so here you go! I'm a slow reader so when I don't have a new book, M has volunteered to talk about her recent reads. We both work in publishing so you're bound to have a good suggestion.

For my first WIRW, I will start with the book I most recently finished.

Here's what Amazon had to say:
Douglas Kennedy’s riveting new novel bears his trademark genius for writing serious popular fiction.

Hannah Buchan leads an orderly life in a small town in Maine — a schoolteacher, married to a doctor, with two grown up children. However, her past conceals a dark secret. Thirty years ago she had a brief, dangerous fling with Tobias Judson, a high profile student activist, which she had reconciled to that internal, off-limits attic room marked “Ancient History.” But when Tobias suddenly pops up out of nowhere with a book about his radical years, her life goes into free-fall. And before she knows it, Hannah discovers that a long-ago transgression is never really forgotten.

Set amid two wildly contrasting periods of recent American life — the militant 60s and 70s, and the new-found conservatism of today — State of the Union is a remarkable portrait of one woman’s attempts to find her own way in the shifting political currents of her time. But it is also an intriguing portrait of the complexities of a long marriage, the ongoing guilt of parenthood, the perpetual tension between familial responsibility and personal freedom, and the divisive debate between liberal and conservative values that so engulfs the United States today.
I received this book for my birthday from my Aunt who has great taste in books. I was not disappointed. I laughed, I cried, and I completely related to Hannah. Since I often find myself at a cross roads at this age where I can bounce around more or I can settle down a little, it was interesting to see how her story panned out based on the choices she made.  There were a lot of perspectives covered in the 608 pages and I never once got bored.

This book would be great for most women but I specifically recommend it for ladies in their young 20's.

I would give it a 5/5.

Up next: Little Bee by Chris Cleave


  1. I really need to start reading again. Jess is the big reader out of the two of us.
    Thanks for thew book review :) Kara XOXO

  2. You're more than welcome, I'm glad you liked it!
