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Friday, February 11, 2011

New post!

Yes, it's been a while. But really there hasn't been much to report on financially. To sum up the past month: Still unemployed, living with my awesome NY family to look for a job in the area, trying not to die of boredom and my lack of contribution to the world.

My awesome aunt got me a part-time job at her company as a resume reviewer and it is absolutely great. Definitely a position I would and could keep with a full-time job so at least I have that going for me.

Being unemployed has made me even smarter with my money because I know there's so little to spend and none coming in. BUT...

Yay yesterday was the first payday for my part-time job! I really needed that extra $283! It's not much compared to a full-time job (obviously) but it's enough for me to pay off some bills ahead of time. I knocked out my SallieMae loan payment for March and I made a credit card payment (a little more than the minimum).

It is going to take me a while to get out of this debt but right now that's my only major expense. If I'm smart with how I handle my little bitty income, I can still make this work until I land a full-time gig (in addition to the part-time :) )

That said, I have to cut back on the little spending I do. I have done much better at not going out to eat but I could do even better. I have to cut back on trips to NYC (major sad face :( ) and I have to stay far far away from Target and malls. Those are the three big areas my money goes and it can't happen anymore.

Here's a list of little things I'm doing this weekend to save money:
  • This afternoon I wanted to grab some lunch when I ran to the bank. Instead, I ran to the bank and I'm about to go make myself a sandwich and some fruit (healthier too!)
  • I also thought it'd be nice to spend some time reading at Starbucks. Yes, I do have a giftcard but I'm sure there are other times I will really want to use it. Instead, I will make myself some hot chocolate, curl up in the big comfy reading chair and enjoy my book without the noise of a blender in the background. And I get to pick the music. Even better. And free!
  • Tomorrow I picked up a dog-walking job for $20-sweet :)
  • Tomorrow night I'm heading to NJ for movie night with my friend. It's $5 to go over the toll bridge but then we're making Mac & Cheese and Funfetti cake that she already has and renting a movie from Redbox for $1. That's a pretty good Sat. night for poor folks like me!
  • Tomorrow I'm also going to use a free 7-Day trial at Snap Fitness. So free workout (plus my DVD). And yes I know I said I was going today but they were only staffed until 2 and it just didn't work out. No biggie.
  • Sunday I have no plans besides another free workout, another faux-starbucks session and maybe put in some hours at work. Either way, it's free and that's what matters big time right now!
It's funny how payday has motivated me to spend less...probably because the entire check has already been spent on loans so it's not my money to spend.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear from you!!
    That's not still the giftcard I got you is it??!
